
Monday, November 16, 2015

War and Peace

The world is hurting from all of the events that took place this past Friday. Everyone is talking about it, I'm sure you've heard about it. There's even a new hashtag: #PrayforParis; and Facebook, along with national capitols, are decorated with red, white and blue French flags. People are shouting, crying, and whispering. There are questions everywhere: why?

What kind of God allows terrorism, earthquakes, death and such pervasive pain in the world? Where is "God" amid all of this? 

It is so important to understand in this growing reign of terror that these catastrophes are not from God. God is all good, beyond the realm of any human comprehension. The Lord himself is goodness. The world, however, is sinful, broken and very distant from God. These terror attacks and disasters are a result of the pervasive power of sin in the world. We are fighting a spiritual battle against an enemy who craves total destruction. 

These horrible things happen as a physical manifestation of this spiritual battle. 

Sin can be described as an absence of God. When a person sins, his or her heart is far from God. A person in communication and relationship with God does not sin in those moments. Sin occurs where God is not. God is not in ISIS. God is not in the hurricane. God is not the unibomber, Al-Qaeda or a deadly illness. "For God is not a God of disorder, but a God of peace." -1 Corinthians 14:33. 

But that doesn't mean God isn't in control of all these things, or that he can't use them for good. Because he can, and he does. 

See, in this ongoing battle, there is a truth that God has already conquered evil. There is already an end in sight, a unique gift of hope that Christians have received. Amid these scary events, we are untouchable. There are far worse things that can overcome a person than physical death, and while a Christian may fall victim to assassins or disaster, his or her soul is safe from evil because of Jesus. Our hope is not in our physical bodies, but in an immaculate God who is stronger than evil. 

We have hope and peace, even when we can't understand why these things happen, or what good can come from them. But the truth is that God has plans and a purpose for good in ALL situations. Evil never prevails, even when it threatens to. 

Historically, there have been horrible disasters and catastrophes that God has used for good, even though the events stemmed from such atrocious evil that it seems impossible for God to be in them. The most powerful example of this is in the gospel message itself. 

The most scandalous and horrifying event to ever have occurred in the history of the world was the murder of Jesus Christ. The sadness and pain the swept over Israel and the entire world on that day was more profound than what we are feeling in the aftermath of the events on November 13th. "In that moment, the temple curtain tore in two, from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split." Matthew 27:51. Yet amid the tragedy of it all was born the beautiful gift of salvation for all who place their hope in Him. Just as we can find hope in Christ's death, we can find hope among other disasters. In this way we can Praise God because of such suffering. 

As Christians, we can find peace. We don't have to be anxious or afraid. 

For non-Christians, I urge you: now is as good a time as ever to place your hope and your trust in Jesus Christ. Look at the world and what horrible things are happening. They are going to continue, and will be increasingly terrible. Where will you turn when you can no longer help yourself?

"Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you as learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." -Matthew 11:28-30

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