My name is Alexandra, and I'm so glad that you stopped by my blog! Your support means so much to me, and this wouldn't be possible without your help.
This blog is all about a music project that God placed on my heart in February, 2015, in which I will be creating and selling a music CD of original songs. 100% of the funds raised will be used to support mission work, both locally and abroad.
Why Mission Work?
I first started to think "globally" about service to others in December of 2013, when I came across the opportunity to study abroad in Italy. The experience was amazing for a number of reasons, but one of the best aspects was my own personal growth. I had always fantasized about visiting other parts of the world, but it always seemed so surreal, and essentially impossible. That all changed in May of 2014 when I spent seven weeks in Europe, learning more about the world and myself than I ever imagined. One especially important takeaway I had was that the world isn't "off limits," so to speak. There is a wide open world of opportunity just waiting for me, and it doesn't matter that there are cultural differences between me and people of other countries. We have the same struggles, the same fears, and we have one very important thing in common: we are beloved children of the same God.
After my study abroad trip, I would have about six more weeks of summer vacation, and was struggling to find a job. The church I belong to had mission opportunities in both the Czech Republic and Sierra Leone. Since I would be traveling anyway, it seemed like a perfect opportunity. God ended up closing those doors for a number of reasons (some I'm not even aware of) and so the rest of my summer was spent in the states. That didn't suppress my desire to serve overseas, though. I felt strongly in my heart about going, and things eventually played out. I traveled to Nicaragua in March of 2015 for my first mission trip. It was amazing and life changing, and I know that God has more work for me to do.
Why Fundraising?
About a month before I left for Nicaragua (Feb 2015), I was having a cup of coffee on my university's campus and I was thinking about the whole fundraising process. I was about 50% funded for my trip at that point, and some of the people who were supporting me had given really substantial donations (upwards of $100). If God was calling me to mission work, I knew that he would provide for that to unfold, but I also knew that my friends and family wouldn't be able to dish out such hefty sums again in the future.
At the same time, my mother in law noticed a T-shirt someone was wearing from a mission trip with my church, and she commented to me that it had a really neat design. She wished that the church was selling them so she could have one, and then they could use the funds to support the missionaries. The seed was planted.
Without even realizing the correlation, I began thinking: "What can I sell to help raise money for God's work overseas?" I don't know how to make T-shirts, I'm not a great artist or anything, I'm not super gifted technically so I can't do IT work or fix computers. What were my hobbies? Photography? Cooking? Well, bake sales can only go so far...
Why Music?
Well, I like to play music, and people like to listen to music! If I could find a way to use my music to raise money, that would be awesome! It's something I enjoy doing, it's something people enjoy hearing, and I would be able to respectfully open the support opportunities to more people.
I started writing song lyrics around the same time that I began to learn guitar (Spring 2013). What I loved about the guitar was how creative it could be. I'd played piano growing up, but my training was all classical, so there wasn't a lot of room for creativity. (Note: that isn't to say I didn't enjoy it though!) As I had grace on myself throughout the slow journey of teaching myself a new instrument, I took a lot of risks in terms of experimentation with sound and strum patterns and such. I quickly became comfortable making "new" tunes, and didn't worry about whether they sounded good or not. This then translated to more creativity on the piano, as I learned how to arrange chord progressions and fit them to melodies.
At the same time, I've always really enjoyed writing, and being able to outlet my thoughts/feelings/experiences that way. As I learned to express myself with music, the words seemed to come naturally with the melodies. I didn't realize that I was actually writing songs until one day I sat down to play something, and I realized that the reason I couldn't find the chords online was because I had written the song myself! So yes, the lyrics and music to all the songs in this music project are written by me -- no copyright issues, here!
I am by no means a professional musician, but I'm doing my best to use the skills I have to raise money so I can work for the Lord!
What does "Life on the Line" mean?
I firmly believe that God calls his children to give up the things of the world for the sake of pursuing eternity. Colossians 3:2 says, "Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on Earth," and I take this very seriously. Every day is struggle for me to set aside my worldly desires (ie fame, fashion, 'The American Dream') but God is teaching me every day the importance of seeking him first. Why? Because the other things don't last.
Putting one's "life on the line" suggests that there is a risk for negative consequences in a particular pursuit. I know that by dedicating my life to the Lord, I run the risk of facing objections and ridicule from other people. I have already faced these things, and I've only been following God since 2011. But I know that any losses of material things and any sacrifices I have to make during my time on Earth are well worth it for the kingdom of God and for the sake of my brothers and sisters.
Thus, the idiom "Life on the Line" signifies the risk I am taking in "putting myself out there" and being vulnerable, sharing my story and trusting that God will use it for good, despite the roadblocks. That's why I have chosen it for the name of my first album, and also for its namesake song (to be featured on the album). I am praying that this trust in the Lord will translate to other areas of my life, and also into the lives of people who purchase or listen to the music.
What can you do to help?
The most important thing that you can be doing to help this project is pray! Please pray for open doors, for the work God is doing in and through me, for him to continue to provide for this project, and for the hearts that will be reached.
Meanwhile, stay tuned to the blog posts for further prayer requests and updates. Once the CD is finished and on the "market," if you feel that you can participate by buying a CD, that would be greatly appreciated! When the time comes, any help in spreading the word will be huge as well.
Can I contact you?
My email address is: alexandra [dot] tarr [at] aol [dot] com
(Bear with me regarding the formatting of my email; I'd like to keep spam at a minimum.)