
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Hello, Do You Want to Hear a Song?

I always am reluctant to say that the holy spirit "told me" to do something, but over the past year I've gotten better at identifying a whisper in my conscience that undeniably isn't my own. The few times that I actually put aside my own desires and obey its requests, I've experienced God in a new way.

Today was one of those days. After church, I was playing my guitar and thinking about the CD I recorded just under a year ago. I hadn't sold all that many copies (less than half) and I was wondering if maybe it was a lost cause. After all, most door-to-door sales people I encounter have something a little more worthwhile than a college kid's musical endeavor. If someone tried to sell me a CD, I'm not sure that I'd buy it. That's when the thought crossed my mind, "Well, why don't you show them why they should buy it?" Why keep the guitar inside when I'm outside? Put a face to the voice, or rather...a voice to the face. Use your voice.

The excuses started piling up. I have homework. I have coffee plans. I have other things to do. My plans are more important than God's plans.


The coffee date was cancelled. I couldn't, for the life of me, focus on my Earth Science vocabulary. (Don't ask me why I'm in an earth science class, please. I don't know, either.) The song was written before I finished brushing my teeth (my favorite way to ponder an idea). I've never written (or memorized) a song that fast.

I put on my Proverbs 9:8 shirt for good luck, parked on a residential street, and began serenading anyone and everyone that opened their doors. My little ditty was covered in cheese, but folks who weren't too convinced they had a minute to listen were eager to help by the time my last chord rang. I banked a solid sum for my mission account, but the money was probably the least impactful part of this story. Going out and fundraising isn't entirely about money, and the plan that God had for my afternoon was way more about Him than my musical ability, or lackthereof. Here's why.

Non-believers heard my song: Approaching a door that denies a sale isn't much more than a waste of time. Approaching a door where a person hears a song about Christ's love for the hungry and broken, even if a CD isn't purchased, proclaims God's word. Someone hears. That matters

One lady asked me, "Why would you go overseas to do something like that? The whole world is suffering. You can't save the world." Her question was a common one that many don't have an answer to, but they deserve an answer. I was able to respond to her with love, kindness and truth. "Ma'am, you're absolutely right, and that breaks my heart. But love has no bounds, and if I can make in impact in the life of one person, it will change their world. Then, they can go do the same, multiplying the impact." No, I can't reach every person, but God can use every person for good. 

The saddest stories are about the people who give money but don't take the CD. They are atheists, they don't want to hear about my faith, they say. "But thanks anyway, here's $20 to build a house or whatever." I can only pray that God will send someone else to encourage them and show them that God is bigger than the ways they've been burned. Maybe one day they will know it isn't about building houses, but about building His kingdom.

Believers heard my song: I met so many amazing people in the hour and a half I was out fundraising today. People told me they were inspired, that the song made them think. One woman nodded reassuringly at her daughter (perhaps they'd had a relevant conversation shortly before I knocked) and then gave me a hug. I met someone who quit her job to follow a group of people to Florida to start up a new church, an incredible leap of faith. They were all amazing, and they inspire me. Today wasn't about money-giving, it was about life giving. My faith was strengthened today and I know it was for others too.

I heard, and listened: For me, it's not about the money. I know God will provide somehow. I know He will provide for my life, for my desires, for my future family. He is faithful in that. But He is also faithful in finishing the good works He starts, including those in my heart. I had a thousand reasons not to go out today, but in the end God was greater. He is shaping me day by day, and teaching me the value of following through with his promptings. It's a blessing and an honor to be His child, and I hope that this story inspires you to embrace the whisper of the holy spirit, constantly at work in your life.

Maybe someone wants to hear the soundtrack of your life, too.

^Yes, I actually serenaded people at their doors with that song. :)

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